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Dogs Trust Visit

Dogs Trust visit Knebworth School! 

Throughout the week, we had The Dogs Trust in School running assemblies and workshops for KS1 and KS2. It has been a fantastic opportunity to learn about being safe and responsible around dogs as well as understand a little bit about what the charity does.

Some of the children shared the things they had learnt with us:
“Cross your arms and look up to protect you if a dog comes up to you quickly… It was fun practising what to do if we see a cute
dog we want to stroke… Let the dog come to you… It was fun learning ways to protect ourselves and getting into a ball like a
hedgehog… We mustn’t go to a dog when they are eating, sleeping, resting, or if they are tied up.”

Darcy from The Dogs Trust has been with us all week providing a detailed insight into dogs and their emotions. This has been a
really valuable experience, which is – amazingly – free! If you are able to donate to the Dogs Trust, we know they would
appreciate anything you can give to help continue to fund their brilliant work. Thank you to Ms Salmon for organising this event for the children.