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Young Voices 2024

KS2 Choir take part in the Young Voices concert at The 02!

Going into the O2 was fun.  It was really big, and it had a lot of things to do there.  There were a lot of other schools there and there were 9,127 children (not including adults).  The arena was really big and very busy.  Doing practice was a lot of fun, but it took so long and took us almost three hours!  Practice is hard when you just start, but after a while it gets easier.  When you practice for Young Voices, you get very tired.  At the O2, starting to sing the actual songs is hard because you have to remember all the words to all the songs, and you don't get given anything to remember them.  You don’t even get given a piece of paper to read off!  Everything about it was fun and I think everyone loved it!

Written by Dylan (Year 6)