Year 5 Trip to Stem Discovery Centre

Trip Report
Year 5 went on a school trip to the Stem Discovery Centre. It was really fun. We went on the 7th December. They had a fun activity centre in one room. In the other room there was the Mars rover and there was a little one called Jimmy. There were bigger ones. They were called Brittany, Bridget, Brain and Bruno. It was so fun!
The first activity my class did was that we made a diagram of the Earth orbiting the Sun and the Moon orbiting the Earth. It was really fun. The second activity was going into the activity centre. Before we went in, our guide told us about the activity centre. She told us her favourite parts. They were the volcano. It was a challenge to see who could make the most explode, and then we did this thing where the man had a projector, and we were lying down and looking up, and he would tell us stories of each star that was fun and then we did the shop. That was a really fun day! The other class did the same things but in a different order. By Maia.T and Ivy.B
Written by Maia T and Ivy B (Year 5)